dimanche 6 mai 2018

You know you've been in Vietnam a while when...

  • You consider anything over $5 to be a preposterous price for a meal.
  • You look forward to having rice and pork chops for breakfast.
  • You catch yourself using the Vietnamese "jazz hands" gesture to say no.
  • You don't even notice that your Grab Bike driver is heading against traffic on a major street.
  • When walking, you forget to look at the traffic lights and just cross any street like you own it.
  • Your definition of "a cold evening" is when the temperature drops to 25C.
  • You wear pants and an extra warm hoody for your flight because you have a layover in KL and you know that they keep the airport at 18C.
  • Your beginning to wonder if you can pull off the whole socks with flipflops thing back home.
  • You don't even question why there are 6 employees sitting beside you doing their nails when the owner has asked you to wait 10 minutes for service.
  • You know that "going to the bank" is a time consuming affair.
  • You often don't make any appointments, but instead just walk into the hair/nail place and say what you would like (actually, I do that at the Vietnamese nail place in Orleans also).
  •  A shirt soaked with sweat no longer causes you to look twice.  It is a common occurence for most of us.
  • You decide your hairstyle based on whether or not it fits under your helmet, and your choice of skirt based on whether or not you can ride with it.
  • When planning an evening out with friends, you expect to be in bed by 10pm.
  • Your Happy Hour standards have just gone through the roof (literally) as you now expect a rooftop view, 50% drinks, and lots of salty peanuts. Oh.. and thats on Fridays and Saturdays too.
  • Your finally starting to really understand that "yes" means "no".
  • Your new personal slogan is "Embrace the frizz".
  • You get half way to your apartment before you realize you're still wearing your pollution mask.
  • You have developped an addiction to cold jasmin tea.
  • You like your beer with ice.  LOT'S of ice.

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En conclusion...

Ça fait maintenant plus d'un mois qu'on est de retour au Canada. On a eu la chance de voir de la  famille et plusieurs amis.  On ...