samedi 12 août 2017

If the shoe fits...

Three weeks in and I have a pair of  handmade custom leather shoes (paid 100$, retail for 350$). Handmade pants and shirts (20$ a shirt and 38$ a pair of the finest material pants)  and a new 2$ hair cut! Life is good!

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's NikAta, yes NikAta Ninja! I just got a used scooter to get around town and it is fabulous. You cannot truly appreciate HCMC (Saigon) without becoming a motorbike enthusiast. Don't worry mom they all drive under 40km/h ishhhh... 

The other big news is the fact that it is the first official week of school for our kids as well as our Vietnamese students! I got each of my 40 students to take a video of themselves stating their names three times slowwwly so I can try and learn them properly. "Nggggooooyen" no, no, no Mister Nikita, you must say Nnnnngowyen. It's going to take some time but I will eventually get them. They call all their teachers by first names but with the formal Mister or Misses first (feels like we are back in JK or grade 1). I have great students and great coworkers and encourage all you teachers from back home, reading this, to live this experience! It truly is an amazing, rich and rewarding  adventure!

The kids in their uniforms (which they love.. weird)

1 commentaire:

  1. Super moto! Val devrait s'en acheter une aussi! Je vois pas de photos de Vale!? Tu te caches où? Allo Zoé Yan et Eva! On vous embrasse fort! xoxo


En conclusion...

Ça fait maintenant plus d'un mois qu'on est de retour au Canada. On a eu la chance de voir de la  famille et plusieurs amis.  On ...