lundi 16 juillet 2018

Soaking it all in...

... literally.

This is our last week in Vietnam and Nik and I are trying to soak it up as much as we can. We are eating at all our favourite restaurants, meeting with friends one last time, booking all the cheap appointments, buying souvenirs, etc.  We are also trying to notice things more, kind of like when we first got here, because some things we have grown accustomed to and don't really notice any more.

I guess you can say that it turns out well that I was caught in a torrential downpour today while on a Grab Bike. Cause that's a pretty authentic Vietnamese thing.  Many Grab drivers (which is like Uber) have two ponchos and when it starts to rain, they pull over to the side of the road like all the other motorbike drivers, put theirs on and give you one to put on.

Not this guy though...  he only had one.  He pulled over and put it on.  So I did what many locals do and I put the flap of his poncho over my head. lol  I was still getting wet, but a lot less.  Problem is that now he was getting very wet on the sides and I started to feel bad because I was going home and could change, whereas he was still working. So I took it off, placed it properly around him and braved the pelting drops.  In the end he had to pull over anyways cause the wind was so strong that he was having a hard time controlling the bike.

We stayed in a covered area beside a building for 5-10 minutes, with a number of other people, and headed back out once the rain and wind calmed down a little.  I was completely drenched but it was actually kind of fun.  I think I might even miss these kinds of adventures.

Me under the guys poncho. 

Let's wait it out a while. 

Good thing I got my hair blow dried and straightened 1-2 hours before.

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En conclusion...

Ça fait maintenant plus d'un mois qu'on est de retour au Canada. On a eu la chance de voir de la  famille et plusieurs amis.  On ...