mercredi 27 juin 2018

My Vietnamese

Here is the follow up to the post I made in August about learning Vietnamese.
(As a side note, I am currently in Greece trying to learn more Greek, and Vietnamese already seems like a lifetime ago. These videos were filmed at the end of May.)

I have learned a lot while trying to learn this language.  Obviously, I did learn some Vietnamese, but I  also increased my understanding of how to learn languages in general.  I can also better sympathize with my students who are struggling to learn English and who are often uncomfortable speaking the language in front of others. I'm definitely not as good as I would have liked to be, but I am still proud of what I was able to learn.

Here are a few videos that demonstrate the level that I have reached.  Thank you to my teacher and friend Quynh for all of her help and for agreeing to film this video with me.  😙  I know that for non Vietnamese speakers, it might sound like I know what I am doing, but unfortunately most Vietnamese probably won't understand, since pronunciation is so important yet so difficult.

The first video is me practising while Zoé films and laughs at me.

The second video is a somewhat staged conversation where I introduce Quynh and then we have a short conversation about our families, our work, and our favourite foods.
Disclaimer: This one will be especially boring for most people, I made it more for myself.

A glimpse of Nik's snack on the table...

This last one shows a few bloopers.

Thank you so much to everybody who has helped me practice and improve my language skills in Vietnamese.  During lunch, after school, in the hallway, by the side of the pool, etc.  

Cảm ơn!!

2 commentaires:

  1. Awesomeeee Ms Valerie ����
    (Thu gr11) :))))

    1. I just saw this message! Thank you and thank you for all your help learning as well.


En conclusion...

Ça fait maintenant plus d'un mois qu'on est de retour au Canada. On a eu la chance de voir de la  famille et plusieurs amis.  On ...