mercredi 6 décembre 2017

Anecdotes comiques (In English)

Lorsqu'on est dans un pays où la langue et la culture sont extrêmement différents des nôtres, il risque d'y avoir plusieurs situations intéressantes. Voici un résumé de certaines de ces situations, vécues au cours des derniers mois.  C'est parfois un peu frustrant, mais c'est surtout très drôle.   :)

On the form is says: print name
Her: please sign
Me: sign or print?
Her: yes
Me:... sign or print?
Her: yes


Me to student: did you do your homework?
Him: maybe
Me: maybe? Did you do it?
Him: maybe
Me: so you didn’t do it..
Him: yes
Me: yes you did it?
Him: no


I point to a picture menu and I say «  two » in Vietnamese. I even show two with my fingers.
One dish comes.
I wait.
I wait.
I go see the guy and point to the picture saying: Two?? Where?
A little while later I get two more dishes, for a total of three.

To the Uber guy, I say « go straight » in Vietnamese. I show with my hand. He says yes. Then he puts his flasher on. I say no.. straight. He starts to turn. I repeat and show my hand signals again. He finally keeps going straight.

I say to my students: you must finish this paper tonight as homework. They say yes. Then they go put their paper in the cupboard in the classroom and get ready to leave the class...

My students start an essay outline. I say no homework.

Next day...
Me: Take out your outlines
Students: Forgot it at home
Me: Why did you bring it home?
Me: Start over.

At the end of the class...
Me: No homework. Don’t bring it home.

Next day...
Me: Take out your outline/essay
Student: I forgot it at home
Me: !!!!!! Why?!?! I said not to bring it home!!!
Me: Start over!
Me: IF you bring something home and you take it out of your bag, once you are done working on it where do you put it?
Students: Back in your bag??
Me: Yes!!!!!
Me: And what do you do with your bag?
Students: Bring it to school?
Me: yes!! YES!! PLEASE!!!! Or I will LOSE my mind!!!!

* In Vietnam it is very important not to lose face.  On that day, I do not think I succeeded...


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En conclusion...

Ça fait maintenant plus d'un mois qu'on est de retour au Canada. On a eu la chance de voir de la  famille et plusieurs amis.  On ...